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4931 miles & 20 days to go . . .

The car is packed and take off is less than 12 hours away! Wow! Packing for six of us being away from home and living between the van and hotels for three weeks is a lot more “stuff” than I thought! We have a list a mile long which includes things like a “good” flashlight (thanks Dad!), bin full of food and dishes, 40 changes of clothes, 12 pairs of shoes, and of course toys, books movies and music to keep everyone busy. In my head everything has a place and its all organized and makes sense. We will see how well it stays put after stop #1 and someone needs a snack or change of clothes.

Starting Mileage: 25,038

Ventering into the Blog world. . .

With such an eventful few weeks ahead of us (and lets face it our life is always busy!) I thought that this might be a fun way to keep everyone update on our life and to journal for our kids. Life is always busy, but sometimes looking back I can’t tell you what we really did.